ID Campaigns
The organization has been running access to social service campaign coined under ID campaign. After the sentence of Kabelo Thibedi to 5 years in prison due to kidnap of home affairs department official , the YCL decided to include his appeal for the sentence as part of our access to social campaigns. The campaign was used prior to the 2004 election campaign for young people to access ID documents to participate in voting.
The YCL jointly with YFM are currently on the process of establishing Kabelo Thibedi trust as a financial support to him on his appeal.
Tasks of Structures in the Campaign
National Committee
- Continue to coordinate with other stake holders on the Kabelo Thibedi trust
- Inform structures in the province and members about the benefit concert
- Coordinate work in provinces of on ID campaign
- Inform all NC deployees to activities provinces
- Monitor implementation of activities on the campaign
- Compile campaign manual to provinces
- Develop activity plan on the campaign
- Submit programme of action to the national office
- Coordinate work of districts on the campaign
- Submit progress reports on monthly basis to the national office
- Interact with all stake holders on the campaign and PYA structures in the province
- Gauteng to participate fully on the benefit concert on the 1st September
- Organizer a march to department of home of education
- Coordinate work in branches on the campaign
- Report to the provincial structure on fortnight basis
- Develop programme for branches on the campaign
- Asses work and implementation in branches the campaign
- Conduct branch political education on YCL campaigns and their roles
- Interact with home affairs on mobile ID registration give the information to branches
- Mobilize communities behind YCL campaigns
- Organize Youth forum in communities on YCL campaigns and inform district structure
- Interact with youth structures on the campaign
- Compile data to assist communities to get their ID documents
- Mobilize communities for ID registration during mobile Id registration visits
- Mobilize communities and members for YCL demonstration