Introduction to Campaigns

Introduction to Campaigns The capitalist social system is characterised by poverty, unemployment and class exploitation. This affects young people in more ways than one, but also is in opposition to the kind of society we seek to create. Campaigns provide a political...

Chris Hani Inquest

Chris Hani Inquest The YCL in its re-launching congress it resolved on the opening of the inquest on the death of the former General Secretary of the SACP comrade Chris Hani. It was believed that there were many unanswered question about the death of comrade...

Operation Khula campaign

Operation Khula campaign The YCL in 2006 launched operation Khula campaign mainly a recruitment drive. The objective was to reach the target of 100 000 membership before the congress. The organizations grow in membership not as expected but there was work around. The...

ID Campaigns

ID Campaigns The organization has been running access to social service campaign coined under ID campaign. After the sentence of Kabelo Thibedi to 5 years in prison due to kidnap of home affairs department official , the YCL decided to include his appeal for the...

Right to Work

Right to Work The organization launched its Jobs campaigns in 2005 given the high rate of unemployment of young people in the country. There call was to both Private sector and government to create jobs for youth.  The campaign was further resolved in the 2nd...

Joe Slovo Right to learn campaign

Joe Slovo Right to learn campaign Each year the YCL embarks on the Joe Slovo Right Learn Campaign. Its objective is to make sure that students / learners are not denied access to education because of fees, both tertiary and pre-tertiary level. The campaign also...