by Staff | Jan 11, 2013 | Policies
Submission of the YCL Free State to the Portfolio Committee of Health
by Staff | Sep 9, 2009 | Policies
9 September 2009 Introduction and Background We welcome this opportunity for a public consultation process that is due to us, the public, as protected in the constitution of the Republic of South Africa. We believe that the committees involved in the process of...
by Staff | Aug 13, 2009 | Policies
With the death of the New National Party, the SACP is the only political party remaining that contested for elections before the Suppression of Communism Act of 1950. Through the years, it has evolved from an active, legal electoral party to an underground military...
by Staff | Aug 13, 2009 | Policies
RIGHT OF REPLY The SACP and the YCL are not divided on what the outcomes of the Party’s Special National Congress are as suggested by Vicki Robinson (‘Not now-but not never’ Mail & Guardian, April 15 to 21 2005) On the contrary, both the SACP...
by Staff | Aug 13, 2009 | Policies
The advent of democracy in South Africa marshalled with it a plethora of challenges. This ranged, on the one hand, the liberation movement shifting from an adversarial underground operation towards the government — to that of actually assuming the responsibility...
by Staff | Aug 13, 2009 | Policies
The article by Rapule Tabane (Youth, SACP Bosses lock horns on Elections, Mail and Guardian, 18 March 2005) is misleading and greatly misrepresents my and those of the Young Communist League. Firstly, the South African Communist Party [SACP] is not divided into...