by Staff | Aug 13, 2009 | Policies
(This is a response to ANCYL President Fikile Mbalula’s article that appeared on ANC Today, the Weekly Online Newsletter of the ANC, on the 12 November 04) I always heard of stories that people sometimes creates illusions of being with others in the same place...
by Staff | Aug 13, 2009 | Policies
Introduction The process of class struggle and class formation underway in South Africa has been accompanied by fierce overt and covert ideological struggles through which classes interpret and justify the maintenance or destruction of the capitalist system. This...
by Staff | Aug 13, 2009 | Policies
In George Orwell?s Animal Farm, a proverbial Communist Manifesto and Freedom Charter is adopted and later on in the storyline is amended to fit the elite of the farm. Much claims have been made that the twisted understanding and implementation of the Communist...
by Staff | Aug 13, 2009 | Policies
A COUNTRY SELF-ASSESMENT AND PEER REVIEW PROCESS WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE AFRICAN PEER REVIEW MECHANISM Introduction. The Young Communist League of South African welcomes the opportunity to present to this Committee, and also applauds the ANC-led government for...
by Staff | Oct 24, 2005 | Policies
Paper Presented at the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (Idasa), 24 October 2005, Cape Town, Jazze Mokoena Preliminary Remarks The Young Communist League (YCL) in the Western Cape has declared the week of 23-30 October 2005 as Swaziland Solidarity Week. During...
by Staff | Jul 22, 2005 | Policies
(as introduced in the National Assembly as a section 75 Bill: Government Gazette no 27787 of 22 July 2005) Introduction The Young Communist League of South Africa is a youth organisation with membership of more than 35 000 countrywide, a presence in all the provinces...