by Staff | Aug 27, 2017 | Speeches
27 August 2017 Had she been alive, Ruth First would have been 93 years old in 2017. As a struggle veteran, a senior citizen, a mother, a communist, a gender activist, a promoter of youth development – what would Ruth First make of South Africa today? Would she...
by Staff | Aug 6, 2017 | Speeches
6 August 2017, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province The President and National Secretary of DENOSA Student movement, Leadership of DENOSA, the Provincial Secretary of YCLSA Cde Tinyiko Ntini, leadership of the Progressive Youth Alliance and the owners of DENOSA Student...
by Staff | Jul 12, 2017 | Speeches
12 July 2017, Birchwood Hotel “Let’s Consolidate the Left, Strengthen the Party and Build A New Front for Socialism” Dear Comrades The 4th National Congress National Committee, the YCLSA delegation as well as the rank and file membership of the Young...
by Staff | Jun 18, 2017 | Speeches
18 June 2017 Consolidate young communists, organize young people and prepare for socialism! Leadership of the SACP as led by Cde Madala Masuku, Leadership of the African National Congress by Cde Aron Motsoaledi, Leadership of COSATU as led by Cde Zingiswa Losi,...
by Staff | Apr 22, 2017 | Speeches
22 April 2017 Leadership of the SACP as led by its Provincial Secretary Cde Jacob Mamabolo and the collective present here, Leadership of the ANCYL, Leadership of SASCO, Leadership of NUM Youth, Our Deputy National Chairperson and esteemed National Committee Members...
by Staff | Apr 1, 2017 | Speeches
1 April 2017, Lisbon, Portugal Dear Comrades The 4th National Congress National Committee as well as the rank and file membership of the Young Communist League of South Africa, conveys warm comradely greetings to the Portuguese Communist Youth 11th Congress and thanks...