2 May 2024

The Young Communist League of South Africa unequivocally stands in principled solidarity with the people of Palestine, and this is shown through our endorsement of the #Week4Palestine cam- paign. The #W4P campaign is running from the 1st to the 7th of May, rolling out solidarity cam- paigns throughout South Africa under the theme “Solidarity Through Elections.

We welcome this campaign as it seeks to draw clear lines in the sand in terms of our posture towards the Zionist establishment which has its tentacles deeply entrenched in the South African economy, and by extension play a role in the strife of the South African working class. Capitalist exploitation and Zionism will forever be enemies of the working class, and as the Young Com- munist League of South Africa we will sharpen our voice in fighting against this arrangement.

We are firm in our stance to condemn the genocidal campaign mounted by Israel even post the ICJ ruling and its continued occupation of the Palestinian territory. We have observed with disdain the purposeful targeting and murder of intellectuals and scholars by the Israel occupation forces. In this regard, we call for the isolation of Israel and impose academic boycott, Disinvestment, and sanctions against the racist regime. We note with disappointment the complicity and culpability of the Group of Seven advanced capitalist economies(G7) and its armed wing: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and its various military Industrial complexes in the violence and crimes against humanity being perpetuated by the Israel occupation Forces.

We also say that the annual Aliyah Expo is something that must never again happen in South Africa. Two events were hosted here, one in Cape Town on the 4th of April and the other in Johannesburg (7-8 April). The IDF colonel, Golan Vach, was hosted at the Cape Town venue, and we know there has been longstanding recruitment of young South African males to join the IDF. We call for the end of these recruitments and swift repercussions for those involved. South Africa is no home for racists and Zionists.

The Young Communist League of South Africa reaffirms its commitment towards the Alliance, in its tireless campaigning towards an outright victory for the African National Congress on the 29th of May. We call on all young people to cast your votes, and as you cast it, think of the people of Gaza and know that the ANC-led Alliance is fighting to make sure that justice is delivered for the people of Palestine.

We will continue to fight toward a free and sovereign Palestine. From the River to the Sea!

Ends !

Issued on behalf of the YCLSA 6th National Committee

Mzwandile Thakhudi

6th YCLSA National Secretary

For enquiries and Interviews:
Ramatolo Tlotleng – National Spokesperson
Mobile: 074 478 4403 Dineo Mokoena – Media Liaison Mobile: 073 969 8532