13 September 2024
The Young Communist League of South Africa welcomes the assenting into law of the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (herein referred) as BELA Bill, by the President of the Republic of South Africa His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa. The signing into law of the BELA Bill represents a significant milestone in the ongoing transformation of the education system from the legacy of apartheid capitalism in education of the country. This development generates revolutionary fervor as we view this bold move as a step forward to dismantle this legacy that entrenched inequality and poverty among the Africans and blacks, mainly among women and youth to leverage the interests of the capitalist class above those of the majority being the working class.
We are particularly astonished and frown upon the unwarranted truancy of the Minister of Basic Education Siviwe Gwarube in the signing ceremony of the BELA BILL. This is a demonstration of how emboldened the neoliberal policy trajectory supporters under the GNU have become. It however does not come as a surprise that a DA Minister can ignore and undermine the democratic process and institutions which the BILL underwent till the stage where President had to sign with impunity. This demonstrates DA’s sheer arrogance and disregard of the very ‘Statement of intent’ which purports to embrace the rule of law because the President acts within the ambit of the constitution. The Minister is an embarrassment as the new face of the legislation will inform her constitutional mandate henceforth. This does not only constitute gross insubordination of the President of the Republic but also grievous dereliction of her duty. If the Minister does not support the legislation, she is at liberty to relinquish the Ministry in broad day light. We will continue to support our reliable ally-COSAS and monitor her closely in exercising of her ‘delegated’ executive authority.
It is our well considered position that BELA seeks to strengthen governance by clarifying roles of the SGB and fostering the inclusion of communities in processes of decision making with a view to attain efficiency and transparency. We have long asserted that education is a societal issue as is a panacea of society and that institutions of education are a microcosm society. The current face of the legislation will elevate the essence of inclusive education and introduce accountability for the attainment of the identified national imperatives.
We are equally well conversant of the fact that the root cause of the DA’s opposition of the BELA is to maintain the digital divide and stratified standards of educatio n in private and public sector education. The zeal at which the BELA Bill is being opposed is familiar with the zest in opposition of the National Health Insurance. This is evidence that the DA is hellbent on protecting elitism and white male dominated sup eriority and privilege on any objective matter of national interest. It is rather a shame to observe characters such as Siviwe Gwarube so unsuspectedly and religiously working against a class interest of her own and her people.
It is common cause tha t class neutrality does not exist even if the detractors and interlocuters may claim the contrary in trying to protect the so called autonomy of the schools that has sustained varies divides (be it digital or otherwise) in the schooling system. The BELA seeks to promote equitable access to education and thereby impacting on success through regulating language poli-cies, enhanced parental involvement, expanded community participation in school governance to list but a few aspects. It is in such an environment where the aim of teaching the youth to love their people and their culture, to honour human brotherhood, liberty, and peace as per dictates of the freedom charter, shall be achieved. Educa tion must be designed through curriculum, policy and legislation in such a way that it can impart a se nse of social solidarity service and responsibil ity am ong the people.
We call upon young people and workers to resolutely stand opposed to this neoliberal policy ad-dicts and austerity measure adrenalin junkies, sovereignty smugglers in the form of the DA which seeks to undermine the will of the people and hijack executive au thority through backdoor and selective observation of the GNU Statement of Intent clauses where it suits them. We ought to be firm against the emboldened anti majoritarian liberal sentiment and offensive on the working class resurfacing through the austerity measures th at will see over two thousand four hundred(2400) educators being laid off under the DA led Provincial government in the Western Cape.
Issued on behalf of the YCLSA 6th National Committee
Mzwandile Thakhudi
6th YCLSA National Secretary
For enquiries and Interviews
Ramatolo Tlotleng National Spokesperson
Mobile: 074 478 4403
Dineo Mokoena Media Liaison
Mobile: 073 969 8532